Workshop: Tweet"Creating Mobile apps with jQuery Mobile"
Mobile development is here. Everyone needs apps and mobile websites. But nobody wants to learn Objective-C, Java, C and dozens of different platforms.
Here comes jQuery Mobile, an easy to use, standard and open sourced framework that allow us to create mobile apps in minutes. Compatible with iOS, Android, webOS, Symbian, BlackBerry and optimized for smartphones and tablets, this framework is ideal for any web designer or developer who wants to create mobile experiences.
With this framework, we can create browser-based experiences and webapps and also native apps compiled using hybrids techniques. Therefore, it’s perfectly compatible with store publishing, such as Apple AppStore, Android Market, HP AppCatalog, RIM AppWorld and Nokia’s Ovi Store.
In this tutorial, we will cover:
• The mobile ecosystem today
• What is the problem with standards and platforms
• jQuery Mobile and why you don’t need to know jQuery to use it.
• Creating our webapps using HTML5 standard code
• Creating list and AJAX experiences without coding
• Working with data, maps and geolocation
• Theming the UI and customizing controls
• Offering iOS users a webapp installation method
• Compiling native webapps
Attendees must bring a laptop with HTML5 browser (Firefox and Safari preferred for local testing) and a HTML/text editor.